About Guitaresque

Guitaresque is a Singapore-based non-professional classical guitar quartet. All our members are full-time working professionals but have come together because of our shared passion for guitar music.

We are alumni members of the NUS Guitar Ensemble (GENUS), the premier Niibori-styled guitar orchestra in Singapore, founded by Mr Alex Abisheganaden.

Guitaresque won the first prize and second prize (ensemble) in the 2004 and 2001 Singapore Guitar Festival Competition respectively.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Is Guitaraffecs.com a scam?

Recently, I placed an order for a fibre-glass guitar case from http://www.guitaraffecs.com/ , after reading about this site from a CG forum.

Since then, it has been about 2 weeks and absolutely no news from the US-based company. Despite repeated emails sent to their dedicated email addresses, there's been no reply whatsoever.

The problem is - I have paid for the case with my credit card (online purchase). And it is beginning to look as if the website is either:

1) an old site, which is no longer used (in which case, nothing should be charged to my credit card)


2) Guitaraffecs.com is simply a scam - which seems strange to me, because if you're going to run an online scam, why bother to set up a guitar site? I mean, how much "business" do you hope to get, as compared to running a similiar website for say.. electronics (I have already come across several of those) or some fake branded goods?

Anyway, there's nothing to be done except to wait. Till either I actually do receive the guitar case shipped to me home, or I check the monthly credit card bill to confirm the "scam".

1 comment:

Guitaresque (Shu Hann) said...

I have since confirmed that Guitaraffecs is NOT a scam (and yes! that means my guitar case is on its way to Singapore!)

Funnily, the guys at Guitaraffecs assumed I was a scammer (!?!) simply because they traced the order to Asia. Apparently, they've been receiving lots of spam/scams from this part of the world. haha!