About Guitaresque

Guitaresque is a Singapore-based non-professional classical guitar quartet. All our members are full-time working professionals but have come together because of our shared passion for guitar music.

We are alumni members of the NUS Guitar Ensemble (GENUS), the premier Niibori-styled guitar orchestra in Singapore, founded by Mr Alex Abisheganaden.

Guitaresque won the first prize and second prize (ensemble) in the 2004 and 2001 Singapore Guitar Festival Competition respectively.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Open Stage : Library@Esplanade performance

The performance was a success! We had fun playing the pieces - and we hope our audience had fun listening to us too :)

One of my colleagues took this photo for me. She said I looked "super serious" when playing the guitar (which simply implies I'm usually a joker at the workplace?!? HAHAHA)

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