About Guitaresque

Guitaresque is a Singapore-based non-professional classical guitar quartet. All our members are full-time working professionals but have come together because of our shared passion for guitar music.

We are alumni members of the NUS Guitar Ensemble (GENUS), the premier Niibori-styled guitar orchestra in Singapore, founded by Mr Alex Abisheganaden.

Guitaresque won the first prize and second prize (ensemble) in the 2004 and 2001 Singapore Guitar Festival Competition respectively.

Monday, October 27, 2008

A sneak peek...

Here's where we will be performing in 3 weeks' time...

(pictures taken from SAM website - http://www.singart.com/museum.php?page=the_building)

As we have not played there before, I'm not too sure if the sound acoustics of the place is ideal for non plugged-in instruments such as the classical guitar. Hopefully, with the help of proper amplification (ie. good mics and proper placement) the sound will come through clear and crisp!

The quartet's good friend and fellow musician - Balraj has kindly agreed to help us with the sound test on 15th Nov, even though he is unable to attend the performance in the evening, as he needs to work on Sat evenings. (Ed: Thanks Raj! Owe you one! )

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